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"Set and Forget" the Overly-Complex Under the Scorpio Lunar Eclipse this Weekend

On Monday, May 16th at 12:12 AM EST, the Taurus sun will fully shine its spotlight on the moon in the opposite sign of Scorpio. The alignment of the sun and moon with the karmic lunar nodes invites us into an eclipse portal of potential for catharsis, healing and alchemical transformation.

Because this is a south node eclipse, there is an awareness of the past and a focus on releasing what causes patterns of self-sabotage. Under this full moon we can let go of the thoughts, people and actions that feel safe, comfortable and familiar but are actually keeping us from our own evolution.

The south node in Scorpio acts as a cosmic dumping site for the personal and collective $h!t that is hazardous, over and through. The moon in Scorpio illuminates, in plain and sometimes painful sight, the "people, places and things" that are outdated and ready to become compost.

Scorpio governs psychological commitments, financial contracts and sexual transactions made within interpersonal relationships. At their highest expression, external 1-1 relationships help us to become aware of, express and fulfill our underlying emotional needs in a healthy and conscious manor.

At their worst, relationships with others can keep us trapped in our unconscious, causing crisis situations, power plays and manipulation. Contacting and honoring our personal set of values helps us to release tendencies that limit a sense of self-worth and stall our most beautiful becoming.

Slowing down, drinking enough water, cleansing the body, practicing patience, moving in expressive ways, free-journaling, consulting spirit through tarot and the like, and remaining openly curious about the mysterious and magical invites the body to detoxify and our intuitive mind to strengthen.

Because Scorpio is the deepest water sign of all, this full moon eclipse can reveal the unsettling, shameful or shadowy aspects of the human psyche. By becoming a safe house for all that's here, we allow our past struggles and tendencies to inform and serve our awakening.

A square of the moon to Saturn in Aquarius reminds us that time waits for no one, and asks us to consider how the need of approval from others can challenge or delay forward movement. What boundaries are necessary in order for me to achieve a true sense of personal satisfaction?

A trine of the moon to Neptune and Mars in Pisces adds an agitative, delusional and fantastical energy to this lunation. The facilitative trine allows a seamless release of the people that make us feel like we are swimming upstream, punching someone underwater and/ or grasping at straws.

The sensational intensity surrounding this full moon can help us effortlessly release the complex, become less occupied with the psychological motivations of others, and inspire a lasting commitment to one’s own sense of safety, security and inner peace.

As of Friday night, May 13th, there are two spaces left in my Full Moon Circle on Monday night, May 16th, from 6:00-8:30p.m. During this monthly intimate evening of community, reflection and self-expression, one may experience authentic connection, stress relief and emotional release.



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