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A Reflection at the Equinox

As the sun makes its annual transition from mutable Virgo into cardinal Libra, we in the northern hemisphere are preparing for the shift from summer to autumn.

This turn in season can create waves of different emotions. We may either experience relief or anxiety at the fact that as sure as the leaves fall our world is full of change.

When the waves of change, uncertainty and fear do roll in… how do we avoid being buffeted and not overcome by them?

Lately for me that has involved naming my emotions as they arise, practicing self-compassion, and honestly communicating my feelings and needs.

The equinox, a time of equal night and day, offers us the opportunity to look back at the last three months and ask ourselves, “What might offer balance?

Perhaps you, too, will resonate with the following classic quote on mindfulness when considering how to invite more balance into your own life:

“What is happening is not that important. What is important is how you are relating to it.”

Sometimes the waves can feel so overwhelming that we forget we can choose to respond to life with receptivity, gentleness, and kindness.

Although it is more comfortable at times to fight, ignore or suppress that which I cannot control, I can equally choose to pause, soften, practice a deeper breath, and maybe even trust in the unfolding before me.

I would love to hear how you may be thinking about bringing more balance into your life as we head into a new season. I invite you to email me to let me know your thoughts.

With metta (loving kindness),


A few announcements:

~ “At the Hearth of the Heart” fall retreat has been postponed to the weekend of April 28th, 2023. Please stay tuned for details and how to register.

~ Join us for the last three classes of beach yoga, starting 8a.m. tomorrow! It’s our final time to enjoy a gentle practice together outside by the water. I hope to see you there.

~ I will be adding two more yoga classes to the schedule starting the week of October 9th. If Tuesdays at 3:45p.m. and Fridays at 10a.m. sound like good times to you, please let me know!



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